Maths Mr Lima

Chance and Probability
Probability is a funny little thing. What we predict may happen doesn’t always happen the way it’s “suppose to”. For that reason, let’s see how you go with this:

Task 1 a): With a friend, get two dice (one each). You will be rolling your dice with your partner, 30 times (each one of you will roll your own dice once). Before you roll, you must predict how many times you will roll a 1,2,3 etc each time. When making this prediction, you must think about the probability of getting each number. After thirty rolls, compare with your partner. Who got the closest?

i)              What was your prediction and why did you make this prediction?
ii)             Write down your tally.
iii)            What was the frequency of the number 5. (Frequency means: the number of times a particular outcome occurs in a chance experiment)
iv)           Who got the closest?
v)            What was the chance of rolling a 5 for each roll? (write this as a fraction)
vi)           What is the chance of rolling an 8? (likely, impossible, unlikely, certain)
vii)          What is the likely chance of rolling a 2 only once?
viii)         List two outcomes that are certain.

Task 1 b): Based on what you found on task 1, predict how many times you would have rolled a 1,2,3 etc if you had rolled 150 times.

i)              What did you have to do to find out how to do this?
ii)             Why did you have to do the step above?

Task 2: Go to the website and learn how to play the spinner game.

A)   Create a spinner that has 4 sections only and put one colour in each.
B)   Predict how many times the spinner will land on each colour considering you will be spinning it 10 times. Test it and see how close you got.
C)   Do the same thing for 100 spins and 1000 spins.
D)   Place the spinner on 100 spins and spin it. Do this 4 times. What did you notice? Why are they different every time?

i)              What did you learn from this activity?
ii)             If the spinner is equal and fair, why are spins different every time? (for example, when you spin it 100 times once, why is it different to the next time you do it?)
iii)            Shouldn’t it always be the same because it is a fair experiment?

Describe probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages (ACMSP144)

Task 3 a): These activities are similar to the activities above, however they are not as fair. There is not an equally likely chance that every number (for the dice) and every colour will be represented equally.
And create a spinner that is not fair (equally likely that every colour is represented equally). For example, create a spinner with 5 sections. Make 3 of them blue, one section red, one section yellow. Predict the frequency of blue and then test it on fast spin for 100 times. What did you find. Try doing this 4 times and see what you get. Answer the questions below:

i)              What was the frequency of blue on your first spin?
ii)             Why is this spinner unfair or unequal?
iii)            What is the likelihood of the spinner landing on yellow 100 times?
iv)           What is the fraction of blue and what is it as a percentage?

Task 3 b): Go to the website below and customize a 6 faced die where the outcomes are not equally likely and answer the questions below. Roll the dice 20 times

i)              What did you notice?
ii)             How is this similar or different to the spinners?
iii)            How was your dice unequally likely of each outcome (unfair)?
iv)           How did that affect your rolls?

v)            What is the difference between the frequency of an outcome compared to the probability of an outcome? In other words, why is the amount of times an outcome (colour or number) appears different compared to what “should happen”?

Volume and Capacity

Patterns and Algebra extension


2D Shapes Assessment study notes

Lines of Symmetry
WALT: Find out what symmetry is and how many lines of symmetry shapes have.
Ask Ss, “What is symmetry”
Explain that today Ss will be working with paint. Show Ss the following video which outlines what they must do. Basically they place paint on a piece of paper and fold it so that it becomes symmetrical.
Allow students to do 2 versions of this and then collect it.
When they finish this activity, allow those who finish quickly to go on with page 20 from
When all Ss have finished, give them two pieces of paper (rectangles). With one of the pieces, they create a square by cutting it out. They then fold it and note that it has 4 lines of symmetry. Ask them first to guess/predict how many lines of symmetry it will have. Then get them to try and do the same with a rectangle. Get them to guess first and then get them to fold it. They will note that it only has 2 lines of symmetry, whereas a square has 4. This video is helpful for students:

Extension: SS can go on with the following activity

Decimals and Percentages
3.Question at the bottom of

Easier Word Problems Below

Equilateral, Scalene and Isosceles

Properties of 2D Shapes

Regular Shapes

Reflection, Rotation and Translation

3. (Translation) Go to

Parts of a Circle


Rotational Symmetry

For this lesson, the group that worked with the casual teacher yesterday will work in pairs and will share an ipad and a whiteboard. They will have to show how to do the jump, split and compensation, extending number facts and bridging the decade by using the whiteboard and their own voice while the other person records them. This will be shown the the group that were at soccer gala day from the day before. These Ss can use the following links to help them:

. Split Strategy (Addition)

You'll need to scroll down a little to get to the video after you click on the link below.


2. Split Strategy (Subtraction)

3. Extending Number Facts

4. Jump Strategy (Addition)

6. Compensation strategy (addition)
Scroll down a little.

7. Compensation strategy (subtraction)

Go to the following website and play the game. You may use a calculator.


Extension: Go to the following website, scroll to the bottom and do the questions at the bottom.

Position Checklist
When recording your work, you will need to CLEARLY show and explain the following so that I can clearly see it on your Ipad. The recording must not exceed 2 minutes.
  • My map features the correct coordinates and I have shown this on the recording. They are clearly labelled along with my scale and directional compass.
  • I have placed 5 locations on the map and recorded this.
  • Two of my locations are Aboriginal themed and I have recorded this.
  • I have a scrap piece of paper which describes 4 locations on our map and I have recorded it to show Mr Lima (e.g. Town Hall is at B7)
  • I have written a route on a scrap piece of paper to show where my sphero will be going on the map using landmarks and directional language, including compass directions, eg 'Start at the post office, go west to the supermarket for 4 kms and then go south-west to the park which is located 10 kms away'. You must visit 3-5 locations and direct your sphero there and show this on the recording.
  • At the end of your recording, you must explain what you learnt from doing this unit of work and what you enjoyed. This part at the end can go over the 2 minutes but don’t make it too long.

Mr Lima will be checking the Ipads so you must explain who is in your group.

Whole Number Review

  1. Write these numbers in words:

A) 23 456 789:

2. Place the numbers below in ascending order.

234 457        324 567      22 345    4 324 564

3. Write the number below in non-standard form and in standard form:


4. What is the role of zero?

5. What is the place value of the 7 in

6 578 112                       7 543 890 213                            7 234 568 901 543                     45.017

6.1 round 3 567 896 to the nearest hundreds of thousands

6.2. What are all the prime numbers between 20 to 30?

6. What are the factors of 45

7. What is a factor?

8. What are the multiples of 8?

8.1 What is a multiple?

9. What is an integer?

10. Name 3 places you find negative numbers?
11. What is 43 take away 65. Make a story to relate to this?
12. What is a prime number? What is a composite number?

13. What is a composite number?
What is the relationship between square and triangular numbers?
What is the hcf of 48 and 12?
What is the lcm of 4 and 7?
What is a square number?
 What is a triangular number?

Factors are numbers you can multiply together to get another number:

A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by an integer
A Prime Number can be divided evenly only by 1 or itself.
And it must be a whole number greater than 1.
Position Project

  1. Ss need to put down the coordinates on Post It Notes along with a compass showing all the directions.
  2. Place 5 locations on the map. Two of the locations must be Aboriginal themed. Research online to find Aboriginal themed locations.
  3. Include a scale. E.g. one grid equals 5 metres. Make it realistic.
  4. Ss need to describe locations on the map (e.g. A4 is where the Town Hall is) on their spare piece of paper.
  5. Ss must write down the direction of one location to another. For example: The Watering Hole is North of the Gardens by 300 metres. Ss must write down four directions.

Get Sphero after doing the first 5 steps

Task 1 with Sphero

  1. Students use their sphero and without programming it, they must maneuver it so that it visits the four locations s as they have written it. A suggestion is to have roads or rivers and perhaps stay on it.

Task 2 with Sphero

  1. Describe a route taken on a map using landmarks and directional language, including compass directions, eg 'Start at the post office, go west to the supermarket and then go south-west to the park'. You can choose to record this on Ipad (must be less than 90 seconds) or you can write it down on a Google doc. Whichever you choose is up to you, however, you need to be able to hand it in.
  2. Upload your video to see saw along with the instructions.

Whole Numbers Part 2

A great video for understanding factors:

A great video for learning about multiples and lowest common multiples:

Another great video for learning about multiples and lowest common multiples:

Practise questions

Students do the questions at the bottom: Do first 5. Extension, do the rest:

Least common multiple questions to practise:

Highest common factor questions to practise:

Word Problem: Some students work together to solve the following in a group while the remainder of the class stays on the floor to do the following word problems together.

  1. Christine found gift bags in packs of 9 and bows in packs of 12. If Christine wanted to have the same number of gift bags as bows, what is the smallest number of gift bags she would have to buy?

b) Tracey is making stationery sets from 12 sheets of paper and 8 envelopes. If she wants all the sets to be identical without any paper or envelopes left over, what is the greatest number of sets Tracey can make?

Answers: a) LCM: 36    b)HCF: 4

  • Gus has two pieces of cord, one 12 metres long and the other 8 metres long. He wants to cut them up to produce many pieces of cord that are all of the same length, with no cord left over. What is the greatest length, in whole metres, that he can make them?
  • Lana is buying pencils and erasers from the store. Pencils come in packages of 14, but erasers are sold in packages of 3. If Lana wishes to purchase the same number of pencils as erasers, what is the smallest number of erasers that she can buy?

Answers: a) HCF 4    b) LCM 42

Extension for Whole Number Part 2

Try the word problem found in the video below: Try and solve it first but if you're not able to, watch the video and see how they explain it.

Try the word problem found in the video below: Try and solve it first but if you're not able to, watch the video and see how they explain it.

Go on with the activities below if you have understood the videos from above.  

Questions to go on With

Watch the video below to help you:

Prime, Composite, Square and Triangular Numbers

Task 1:
Go to and go to the top left hand corner and watch the video in full. You must write down the definition for prime and composite numbers into your books and an example of each.

Task 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and complete the 10 questions.

Task 3: Go to and watch this video and then write your own version of a square number:

Task 4: Go to and watch the video below and then write down what is a triangular number.

Task 5: How are triangular numbers and square numbers related to one another.

Extra challenge:

  1. For an extra challenge please read through the following website and try the 10 questions at the bottom:
  2. Go to read through the information and try the question at the bottom.

Mass Work

Luggage Project:
Video 1: What happens to your luggage NBC News Report

Video 2: What happens to your luggage:

Video 3: Check in Procedure

Simple word problems involving mass

Luggage Project → Working mathematically.
You have been given $4000 to go on an overseas holiday to anywhere in the world you enjoy most. Choose the location you would like to go, then find out how much weight you can carry for your checked in luggage and your carry on luggage. You will be going on an international flight using Qantas or Emirates.

Extension: You win $800 and get to go to a location in Australia to another state. Find out how much carry on and checked luggage you can take in terms of its weight for this domestic flight. You must travel with Jetstar.

Extension Extension: You are teleported to the Washington DC and you must fly to Los Angeles. You can choose any airline you want to travel with. Find out how much weight you can carry for your carry on luggage and your checked in luggage.  

Fractions Using Shapes

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Mass Worksheet

The following students do the work that is on the blog:

Michelle (all of it), Luca (all of it),  Marina (adding and subtracting fractions and knowing what comes after the decimal place), Minh girl (Improper fractions), Luca (all of it), Kirsten (knowing what comes after the decimal place, adding and subtracting fractions), Derek (adding and subtracting fractions), Gabriel (all of it), Minh (extension), Joshua (adding and subtracting, extension), Martin (adding and subtracting, extension), Gwayne (adding and subtracting, extension), Damian (improper fractions with mixed numerals, adding and subtracting fractions), Claret (all of it), Grace (all of it), Patrick (all of it)

The Ss who did everything correct on the  pre test just have to do the following:
Extension:  Finish the lesson about fractions and decimals from website and check the answers
Extension 2: ← For this one, you must read the website and then do the questions at the bottom.

Fractions and Decimals
Ordering Fractions on a Number Line
Watch this video below:


Improper Fractions and Mixed Numerals   <-- Fantastic video

Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

Try these and then check the answers below:



Adding and Subtracting Fractions With Different Denominators <-- website with lots of examples. You may want to try the questions at the bottom of this website.

Also, try these and check your answers.


Subtracting Fractions With Different Denominators
To subtract, you do exactly the same as add, however you will just need to subtract the numbers.

Try these below:


Multiplication and Division

Multiplication Strategies

Your Goal: To know how to use the strategies below and demonstrate that you understand how to use them. You will need to show this on the test. 

Algorithm: Watch the video below if you are unsure how to do multiplication using algorithm, especially when multiplying by double digits. 

Gelosian: Watch the video below to familiarize yourself with the Gelosian method if you need help.

Area: The video below will show you how to multiply by using the Area Model

Examples of Gelosian Method

Give students the chance to practise the area method on their whiteboards and have them teach it back to the class.  Here are the questions:
a) 54 x 7 =
b) 235 x 8 =
c) 8745 x 4 =
d) 453 x 12 =
e) 45 x 27 =

Estimating with Multiplication

Task: Estimate by rounding the following numbers and then find the answer:
a) 31 x 9    b) 89 x 42        c) 97 x 702

1. Why is estimation important for multiplication?

2. When could it be used?

Help with Estimation: Watch the video and while you are watching pause for each question and try it in your book first. Then press play and see if you got it correct. 

One Digit Word Problem for Multiplication

Harder Word Problem for Multiplication

Example of How to Solve Word Problem


Order of Operations

Watch the video regardless of whether you think you know the order of operations or not. You may pause the video to try and do the questions that are presented and then resume the video to see if you got it correct. Then go to this website and do the questions at the bottom (if you are using an Ipad, this website may not work, if this is the case, please do the questions below. The answers are on the Answers Page).

  • Question to think about: why are the grouping symbols () and [] used in number sentences to indicate operations that must be performed first?

Dividing and Multiplying by Power of 10

You must understand how to divide AND multiply by powers of 10. Watch the video below up to 4:12 to help you. After that I want you to stop the video. You don't have to watch this video but it will help you with your understanding and with the questions below. 

Activity: Try these. Use the video above to help you and the explanation below. The answers are on the Answers Page. Do them in your book and then check out the answers. It's always important to discover WHY you got the answer. 

Activity: Look at the word problem below which deals with multiplying or dividing by using power of 10. You do not need to write the question into your book. The title can be "Problems of 10 Word Problem." Have a go at it and then check your answer by watching the video below, however, start the video at 4:13.


Short Division Strategy: The video below is good but only deals with dividing by one digit. watch it if you are unsure how to do the following division questions. The questions below have remainders where as the video does not show this. The answers are on the Answers Page.

Activity: Try doing the following 4 digit divisions in your book. The answers are in the video. Use it to help you and to check your work.

Activity: Do the questions from 1 - 4. The answers can be found on the video link below which explains exactly how to do it. Try doing them first and then watch the video. If you get stuck, you can watch the video to find out how to do the first one. Then challenge yourself to do the rest and see if you get them correct. Please do these in your book. 

You must also write an explanation as to why the person in this video uses inverse operation. Why is it useful?

Word Problems

Here are some more word problems for you to try out. Again there is no need to write the question out into your books. Look for the clues. 

Division Problems with Remainders
Your Goal: To learn how to solve a division problem that has a remainder and be able to write it as a fraction or as a decimal. 

Activity: Try doing 75 divided by 6. Your answer will have a remainder. I would like you to write your remainder as a decimal and also as a fraction. Try it and then watch the video below. Once you have done that, try doing 128 divided by 7. See how you go before you check the answer by watching the rest of the video. Try and learn how to do it. When you have finished, write down the steps you had to take for each problem into your book. 
Now try these: Do them in your book after drawing out the table. 

More Word Problems


Option 1: Create your own budget for a really cool party you would throw for your birthday. You may want to include a band, arcade machines, lots of food. Write down how much the expected cost is and then go online and research what the actual cost would be and then write down the variance. You have a budget of $5,000 and you have to include anywhere between 3-7 items. Good luck and I hope you have an amazing party. 

Option 2: Choose a location you would like to travel to. You are to stay there for 5 days and you can spend a maximum of $8000. Please draw up a table with predicted cost, actual cost and variance. You need to predict first and then find the real cost. 

Study Notes
The assessment on Length will feature questions about the following:

  1. Convert between common metric units of length

  • A) Calculate the perimeters of rectangles using familiar metric units
    1. Calculate perimeters by solving word problems

  • Recognise that rectangles with the same perimeter may have different dimensions
  •       5 .   Connect decimal representations to the metric system
    1. Choose appropriate units of measurement for distance 

    If you go to the website: it will help you with some of the word problems. Please watch the videos on the left and do the activities.

    What does 1 km feel like and how good am I at estimating?
    Students get into pairs and go out into the upper playground and must do the following:
      1. Take 10 – 15 minutes to try and measure 1 kilometre by using the trundle wheel. The intention is for students to feel what 1 kilometre is like.
      2. Come back and discuss what they felt 1 km was like (e.g. was it longer than you thought).
      3. Get Ss to estimate the distance between two points (e.g. from the Chapel to the first handball court) and then in pairs, Ss measure the distance and see who was closer between the two students.
      4. Get Ss to measure the perimeter of rectangles such as the handball courts and the basketball court by estimating first and using an informal unit to measure first (i.e. one large step to represent a metre before using the trundle wheel).
      5. Sit students back down and go through some key questions:
        • How close were you with your estimation?
        • Why did some students get a different perimeter to others?
        • Why do we need units of measurement larger than a metre to measure distances?
    Students are encourages to use the language dimensions to describe the lengths and widths of rectangles.
    African Project for Group 1
    --> In Pairs, select a country in Africa (it must be different from other students). --> You will need a separate slide or two using Google presentation for each activity. --> You will be asked to present your work at the end of the week and show your calculations.
    a)    Tell us a little bit about that country and why it is popular for tourism
    b)    Show the distance from one tourist landmark in that country to another tourist landmark. You need to show this in kilometers, metres and and centimeters. You also need to show it using decimal points (e.g. 2300m or 2.3km)
    c)    Pick another two tourism destinations and using Google Maps/Earth find the perimeter of that particular landmark (e.g. theme park) in metres, kilometres and centimetres. You will need to explain exactly how you converted these from unit to another. I suggest you use the following link  You will need to record the distance to three decimal places (e.g. total perimeter is 2.376km)
    d)    Using Google Earth, find something in that country that is rectangular. Find its perimeter and area. Next, explain and show how rectangles can have the same areas and yet have different perimeters. You may use shapes, a photo or anything you want to explain this.  
    e)    Using the same rectangular object you found from above, find a way to place that image on your slide and then show each side using a different unit of measurement. E.g.

    Please go to the website and complete it.

    also do this one

    Addition and Subtraction
    Want to win a TNT? Then start teaching your friends

    1. In your group of 5, you must watch each video in the order listed below.
    2. You must watch the entire video regardless whether you know it or not.
    3. After each video, you must ask other members in your group 'Did you get it completely?" Write an example of how to do it in your book. Each person in the group needs to do this.
    4. If anyone is unsure, it is the responsibility of those students who have understood to teach those who do not understand. My suggestion, provide examples and get those people to practice.
    5. Only after everyone has understood the strategy are you allowed to move forward and watch another video.
    6. After you have watched all 9 videos and have understood it (all group members), you may start making your poster (see diagram below). Every student will need to learn and understand each strategy. You will use the numbers above and use each strategy to solve it. You need to show all working out with explanations.
    7. To win the TNT, it is not about who finishes first. The teachers will ask random groups to present and random students to present within that group. If the student chosen cannot explain how to do a strategy, the group as a whole will not win the TNT.

    1. Split Strategy (Addition)

    You'll need to scroll down a little to get to the video after you click on the link below.


    2. Split Strategy (Subtraction)

    3. Extending Number Facts

    4. Jump Strategy (Addition)

    5. Jump Strategy (Subtraction) --> start this video at 2:44

    6. Compensation strategy (addition)
    Scroll down a little. 

    7. Compensation strategy (subtraction)

    8. Algorithm for subtraction

    9. Algorithm for addition

    The poster below (image) relates to instruction 6. 

    Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
    The answer to these questions can be found on the Maths Answers page tab of the blog. Please try and do the most difficult questions first and work your way down. Please try as hard as you can and seek help from a friend after you have tried. Only then go to the answer page and see if you got it correct. If you did not, try again. I prefer you do just a few of the hard questions and really understand it than do lots of easy questions that you already know how to do. Good luck. Remember that sometimes there may be information that you may not require, be aware of that.

    Harder (try these first, check your answer and understand it)

     Medium (try these only after trying the difficult ones)

     Easier (only do these if you're really struggling with the others)

    Whole Number

    Task 1:
    When writing numbers in words, where do we place the word “and”?
    Write the numeral 41 234 650 006

    Task 2:
    What is ascending and what is descending? What;s a good way to make us remember?
    place the following in ascending order:
    1. 123.45                         12345                        12.543                       54.124            102.345
    2. 187 453          1 543 254         890654367         8901165       187.436

    Ask students to explain their thinking as to why they placed the numbers in the order they placed

    Task 3:
    What are the three ways we partition numbers:
    Using the numbers below, partition the numbers in the three ways:

    1. 12 589
    2. 548 765

    Task 4:
    Write the place value above each number:

    178 985 453 908 231 678 345

    Task 5:
    What is the difference between standard and non standard form?

    Task 6:
    What is our number system and how did it come about?

    Task 7:
    Where do we see negative numbers?
    What is 43 take away 89
    If it was 32 degrees celsius and then it became 54 degrees cooler. What would be the temperature?

    Task 8:

    What have you learnt from this unit?

    Little Projects (choose one)

    1. Find the capacity of the top 6 soccer stadiums in the world and put the numbers in ascending order and write down the place value of the number 2 for each stadium.
    2. Find out the population of China, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Malta, Italy, Somalia, Ghana and Kuwait and put them in descending order.

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