Guided Reading Contract Rules
- Glue the Reading Contract sheet into your Guided Reading book.
2. Each day choose and complete set tasks.
3. A mobile device is only to be used every second day.
4. You will have to hand in your work on Friday of the second week for marking.
5. Your work will be marked out of 3. Three is excellent, 2 means you missed out on a few tasks, 1 means you are able to improve more and 0 is unacceptable.
6. If all the mobile devices are being used do not just wait for one to become available, complete a different task.
7. Each group will read with the teacher for 20 minutes once a week.
8. When your group is called to read with the teacher please make sure you pack up all your work and return mobile devices so other students can use them.
9. If you have completed all tasks and they have been signed by your teacher, you can repeat any of the tasks that require the use of mobile devices and play the games again.
10. If you are completing a task on a mobile device remember you can play the game or repeat the comprehension quizzes several times until you believe you have mastered the skills.
11.Students using the mobile device for anything other than the set tasks will not be able to use the devices until they can prove they can be responsible.
12. When doing Rosetta Stone, don’t even think about going on anything but the language program. There will be consequences for those who look on YouTube and other websites during that time.
Guided Reading Contract Term 3 Weeks 8-9
Extra Activities: Find a Shark Tank episode you like. Watch it and answer the following questions in your book:
1. What is it about?
2. Were they persuasive? Why or why not?
3. How much did he or she want the sharks to invest into their business and how much equity were they willing to accept?
4. Did the sharks invest?
5. What would you have changed in the presentation?
Extra Activity
RE Quiz
Extra Activities:
1. Watch a BTN of your choice and write down 7 bullet points about what you learnt about it.
2. Search for the show "Shark Tank" on Youtube, watch 10 minutes of the show and explain what it was about, why you thought it was a good presentation or not, how much money they wanted and why they were successful or unsuccessful.
Extra Activities: Complete the Where in the World sheet and then select a country of your choice and find out as much as you can about it. Please use Youtube and websites. As you research write down points that interest you relating you traditions, food, sport, politics, population etc.
2. Go to the history page on the blog and look at the pictures and answer the questions below each one.
Guided Reading Contract Term 4 Weeks 8-9
Read the inference worksheet. You may choose to do either inference sheet A (a little more difficult) or inference sheet B. Answer the questions at the back and then check the answers with your teacher.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Millionaire Conclusions
Go to the website and make sure you download/allow Flash Player. Complete the following quiz and see if you can get to one million dollars. When you have finished, please write down which question you found the most difficult and explain why in your books.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Punctuation Correction
Find the errors on the worksheet and make the changes so that the punctuation and grammar are correct. You can write on this sheet and then glue it into your book.
Check the answers with your teacher when you are done.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
*High School Prep
Watch the video below and answer the following questions in your book.
1What are 5 pieces of information that was spoken about in this video.
2Write down 3 questions you have about high school.
3.What are three areas you are nervous about going to high school.
4. What are you excited about in terms of going to high school?
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
1. Watch the two videos below and then do the quiz and answer the questions below:
*Current Affairs Comprehension
Go to the website: and select a story you are interested in. Answer the following questions:
1.What was the purpose of the article?
2.What was the article about?
3.What was the second paragraph of the article about?
4.Why was this an interesting article?
5.What would you have changed about this article?
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Articulate
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Thursday - Red
Friday - Blue
Maximilian Kolbe
Go on the Maximilian website and answer the following:
1. Something you learnt about Maximilian
2. Something you already knew
3. How did he have an impact on the world we live in today?
Country Project
ü Write a detailed Information Report on any country of your choice. Choose a country you know NOTHING about. Think about the following things that you could include in your report.
1. Flag – story behind the flag
2. Map / which continent / capital city National Anthem
3. Food & drinks
4. Clothing
5. Music
6. Transport
7. Population
8. Money/ Finance / Currency / income
9. Climate / weather / temperature / rainfall
10. Terrain / landform
11. Water (sea, ocean, lakes, rivers)
12. Nature / native animals / plants
13. Language(s) spoken, how to say “Hello” and “Goodbye” in that language
14. Trade/products/goods
15. Natural resources
16. Famous landmarks/places
17. Housing
18. Religion
19. Holidays
20. Government
21. Major occupations (jobs)
22. Famous people/rulers/kings/presidents/etc. from the country's history.
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (Feel free to include other information if necessary) Your project should have an INTRODUCTION whichincludes:
Your project should have at least one paragraph discussing the HISTORY of your country which includes:
· The Date the country came intoexistence.
· Major events in the country's history.
· Famous people/rulers/kings/presidents/etc. from the country'shistory.
· How the country became a country.
Your project should have at least one paragraph discussing the GEOGRAPHY of your country. It should include:
· Major landforms.
· Major bodies of water.
· Major landmarks.
· Major cities.
Your project should have at least one paragraph discussing the CULTURE of your country. It should include:
· Clothing
· Religions
· Music
· Food
· Holidays
· Government
Your project should have at least one paragraph discussing the ECONOMY of your country. It should include:
· Natural Resources
· Major occupations (jobs)
· Manufacturing areas
· The currency (type of money)
· Land use (ie. farming areas)
Your project should have at least one paragraph discussing the CLIMATE of your country. It should include:
· General weather conditions
· Average yearly temperature
· Average yearly rainfall
· What effects the climate has on the country
Your project should have at least one paragraph discussing any INTERESTING FACTS about your country. It could include:
· Population
· Strange laws
· Modes of transportation
· Travel tips
· Story behind the flag
· Native animals
Your project should have a CONCLUSION paragraph which includes: A nice wrap-up of your research. Make sure you include a bibliography.
Guided Reading Contract Term 4 Weeks 6-7
1What is a push factor?
2.List 4 push factors.
3.What is a pull factor?
4.List 4 pull factors.
Tier 2 Words
Look at each of the following words below and write down words that are associated with each one. Aim for at least 3 words for each one.
1. Dense
2. Factor
3.Apprehensive 4.Deplete
5. Extract
Newspaper Main Idea
Choose an article from the newspaper, read it and then glue it into your book (you may need to fold it). Next to it or underneath it, write down the main idea of the article and whether the heading is appropriate. Explain why you think it is or why it isn’t
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________
Web Navigation
Use the worksheet titled “Web Navigation”. Read it and then go online to the website
Read the questions and then write the answers in your book.
WALT: ______________________________________________________
Ned Kelly Naplan Style
Use the worksheet titled, Ned Kelly, and complete it. Once you have finished, you may check the answers with the teacher.
Grammar and Punctuation
Use the grammar worksheet and complete the questions. Once you have finished, you may check the answers with the teacher.
WALT: _________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Pictionary
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday- Red
Thursday - Blue
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday - Orange
Thursday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
Guided Reading Contract Term 4 Weeks 4-5
Comparing Websites
Visit the following websites:
SKIM read both sites. Skim reading is when you scroll down and read the titles, look at the pictures, read the first few paragraphs,
1. Draw a table and write down 5 things that are similar and different between each site.
2.Why is the Nissan website bias?
3.What is the “conserve energy” site mainly about?
4. What is the Nissan website mainly about?
*BTN with Quiz
Watch the following videos and do the quiz for each and write 5 facts you learnt about each one.
Tier 2 Words
Look at each of the following words below and write down words that are associated with each one. Aim for at least 3 words for each one.
1. Devastating
2. Destruction
3. Havoc
4. State
5. Uprooted
6. Wrench
Create a poster on the 7 sacraments it must include:
Information on each sacrament as well as Images
Do it in your Guided Reading book.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday - Orange
Thursday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
Pretend you have just been given $1 000 000 to design a new form of communication for the future.
a) Draw your design
b) Label your design
c) Explain how it works
d) Why is it a good design?
*Interactive Fun
Go to the website and play the geography game.
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Compatibility
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday- Red
Thursday - Blue
*Current Affairs Comprehension
Go to the website: and select a story you are interested in. Do the following activity:
Summarise your article according to the 5 W’s; Who wrote it? What was it about? When was it written? Why was it written? Can it be trusted and why?
Guided Reading Contract Term 4 Weeks 2-3
Punctuation Correction:
Go to the website and write down the sentences and make sure they are correct.
*BTN with Quiz
Watch the following videos and do the quiz for each and write five facts for each one.
Crossword Worksheet
Complete the crossword puzzle. Do not use a computer unless you get really stuck. Glue it into your book.
Tenses (worksheet)
Get the worksheet titled “Tenses” and rewrite the story in the space provided. Check with a friend before gluing it in.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday - Orange
Thursday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
Write down what you enjoyed about last term and why. You must go into detail.
Some ideas include:
Antarctica, Shark Tank, The way you learnt Maths, Personal Development (Puberty), Brochure, Other
*Real or Fake
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Compatibility
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday- Red
Thursday - Blue
Communication Changes
Choose an old form of communication such as;landline, old mobile, pigeon messenger, snail mail, smoke signals, morse code. Answer:
1. How was it used?
2.When was it used?
3.Why was it used?
4.Why is it not used anymore (as much).
5.What has replaced it and why?
Guided Reading Contract Term 3 Weeks 8-9
Rap for the Homeless
Instructions: Watch the video below:
Then using the following website to help you rhyme
Create a song or a rap about people who are homeless. It can be about how you want to help them or how unfair it is.
Rice for the Poor
Go to the website and choose level 6,7 or 8. Answer at least 15 questions. The more you answer, the more you help.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Creeds are statements about the Trinity. Read the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed p75-76 of the KLW books. Draw three columns in your GR book and label them – Similar, Different and interesting points. It must be ruled and neat.
Compare the two creeds and record in dot points in your book.
WALT: __________________________________________________________________________________________
You must complete the two crossword puzzles and glue them into your book.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday - Orange
Thursday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
1. Use the grammar worksheet and find the 11 mistakes in the passage. There are no spelling errors. There are errors related to full stops, commas and capital letters and words that have been deleted and need to be added in as well as tenses.
Capital Letters: 5
Full stop: 3
Missing words: 2
Tenses: 2
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Pictionary
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday- Red
Thursday - Blue
Guided Reading Contract Term 3 Weeks 5-6
Shark Tank – Main Idea
Instructions: Answer the following questions in your GR book. You do not need to write the questions.
-What is your product or service?
-What makes your product or service better than other products or services?
-How much does your product or service cost?
-How long have you been in business?
-How many products have you sold (or how much money have you made from your service?)
-How much do you want the Sharks to invest ( in other words, how much money do you want from the Sharks?)
-How much profit did you make last year?
-How much profit do you make on each sale? In other words, how much does the product cost compared to how much you sell it for?
-What are you going to do with the money?
Antarctica Mapping
1. Label East and West Antarctica. 2. Mark the South Pole with a black spot and label it.
3. Add Elephant Island and South Georgia by drawing its outline and labelling it. 4. Draw a line to show the Ross Ice Shelf, the Ronne Ice Shelf and the Larsen Ice Shelf. Colour each ice shelf pink.
5. Label the following seas: Ross, Amundsen, Bellinghausen, Weddell, and colour them light blue.
6. Use a compass to draw the Antarctic Circle and label it.
7. Add Cape Horn and Falkland Islands by drawing its outline and labelling it
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Punctuation Correction
Complete the grammar worksheet and glue it into your book.
WALT: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Happy Feet Booklet
Finish your Happy Feet booklet. That is every single page. .
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday - Orange
Thursday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
*Ethical Understanding
1. Watch the video below and share your opinion about it. Write what you would do if you were the boys and explain why you would do or why you wouldn’t? Also, explain what you have learnt from this short film.
WALT: __________________________________________________________________________________Date:
Choose one of the books available close to the Games Corner and read it.
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Pictionary
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday- Red
Thursday - Blue
Guided Reading Contract Term 3 Weeks 3-4
*Comprehension – Shark Tank – Main Idea
and watch the clip until 7:30 and answer the questions below. You must write out the question and then the answers in full sentences.
1.What is the company, Cap Hat about?
2. Why did Bernie start his business?
3. How many hats has Cap Hat sold?
4. How much money does he want the sharks to invest and for how much equity?
5. What is your opinion of Cap Hat? If you were the sharks, would you invest? Why or why not?
Comprehension Worksheet
Read the Early Exploration comprehension worksheet and answer the questions in your book. You must write out the questions as well as the answers. Do not glue this sheet into your book.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
They’re, Their and There
Read the worksheet rules and then write the answers to the “They’re Worksheet” and glue it into your book.
Date: ______________
Punctuation Correction
Find the errors on the worksheet and make the changes so that the punctuation and grammar are correct. You can write on this sheet and then glue it into your book.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Take a photo of your last Guided Reading contract along with your score plus on page you were happy with from your last guided reading contract. You must send it to your parents and write down what the activity was and how you did well. .
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
1. Choose one video to watch from the following videos and then do the quiz and answer the questions below:
Password: student
You can create a brochure, a flyer or a poster about your favourite destination in the world. It can be Paris, Wet n Wild
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Articulate
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Thursday - Red
Friday - Blue
Term 3 Weeks 1 and 2 Guided Reading Contract
*Comprehension Antarctica
2. Create a quiz with 3-5 questions relating to what you have watched. Ensure that you put the answers in your book under each question.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Ancient Humans
and enter:
Username: stfelix
Password: packs
2. Only read the “Introduction” and “Fossils”
3. Answer the questions below:
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
.Label the Continents
Get the world map sheet and write in the following:
1.7 continents
2. all the oceans you know
3. The Mediterranean Sea
4. Germany, South Africa, Italy, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Denmark, Russia, Japan, Thailand
You ma use an Atlas.
Complete the quiz by going to the following website:
Write down the purpose of this lesson and you have learnt from it in your book.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Shark Tank
Please find a Shark Tank worksheet and read through carefully. You must read what is expected of you for each week. Then write down any questions you have.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| |
Mary Information Report
When you think of Mary Mother of God, what comes to mind?
Write down as many sub headings you can about Mary.
For example, if you were to write about crocodiles, you could include:
- Where they live
- What they eat
- How they hunt
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*After Reading Activity
1. Research Douglas Mawson and write a paragraph about his explorations. You must use one video and one website and then cite (write down the website address) where you got the information. The information must be in your own words.
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Pictionary
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Thursday - Red
Friday - Blue
Guided Reading Contract Term 2 Weeks 9-10
*Comprehension Infomercial
Watch the following infomercial
Now answer the following questions:
What is it advertising?
Why was this experiment done? (look at the notice at the beginning)
Why is this weight capacity a good thing for this product?
Newspaper Main Idea
Choose an article from the newspaper, read it and then glue it into your book (you may need to fold it). Next to it or underneath it, write down the main idea of the article and whether the heading is appropriate. Explain why you think it is or why it isn’t
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Write down the answers to the following questions in your book. Include the questions.
1.What have I enjoyed most about this term and why?
2.What are three things that I have learnt?
3.What have I disliked about this term and why?
4.What I would like to learn about next term is…?
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
*Awesome Rap - Environment
Watch the video below and then write down your thoughts about it in your book. It must be at least 4 bullet points.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
1. Religion:
•Read ‘Living the Gospel’ in KWL, Year 6, pp96-97.
What happens?
Why does the teacher make the choice to deal with the problem this way?
How is God acting in this story?
Write down how you can see connections between this story and the Parable of the Sower.
Comprehension Worksheet
Complete the comprehension worksheet in the green folder and glue it into your book.
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Articulate
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Thursday - Red
Friday - Blue
Guided Reading Contract Term 2 Weeks 6-7
*Comprehension – Shark Tank – Main Idea
Instructions: Go to the video found on and watch the entire clip and answer the questions below. You must write out the question and then the answers in full sentences.
1.What is the company, Are You Kidding about? How much money did the two boys make?
2. What message does Daymond John have to help children become successful?
3.What is the main idea behind the company, Zollipops?
4.How were the two boys persuasive in their presentation? If you did not think they were persuasive, explain why.
5.Who was more persuasive between the two boys or the young girl and why do you think so? Provide at least three reasons.
Newspaper Main Idea
Choose an article from the newspaper, read it and then glue it into your book (you may need to fold it). Next to it or underneath it, write down the main idea of the article and whether the heading is appropriate. Explain why you think it is or why it isn’t
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Religion - Questions
Watch the videos below:
a) Write down 5 questions you have about The Bible.
b) Write down 5 facts you learnt about The Bible.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Mini RE Quiz
Get the mini RE quiz close to the Games Corner and do it. You may write on the sheet. The answers will be in the Green folder so you can correct yourself after completing it.
Glue in your sheet.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
Geography - Japan
1. Go to your Geography folder on Mr Drive and locate the Google presentation named Geography of Japan. Follow the instructions and answer the questions in the Google presentation. For your teacher to mark it, it must stay in your Geography folder.
Using the sheet with the image of the brain, please look at it closely and answer the following questions:
1.Write down 2 questions you have about this image?
2.What do you think it is trying to say?
3.Do you like it? Explain why or why not?
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Articulate
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Thursday - Red
Friday - Blue
Guided Reading Contract Term 2 Weeks 4-5
Choose to Go to Behind The News (BTN) and watch the video about Indigenous Anzacs
Or watch about deep oceans at and write 5 points about what you learnt in your book.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Shark Tank
Go to the website and watch the first 2 minutes of the video only. Then answer the questions below:
1.What is the name of the 5 Sharks?
2.What is Shark Tank?
3.What is an entrepreneur (you may need to research)
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Get a sheet from close to the Games Corner and read the cover letter. There are at least 16 errors. You may write on this sheet.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Past Tense
Write this in past tense:
Tim is a small boy who loves to go swimming. He has blue goggles and always swims in the morning. He has a friend, david, who also enjoys swimming.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Thursday - Orange
Friday - Yellow
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
Brochure Main Idea
1.Get a brochure
2. Find one destination you want to go to and write down the name of the destination and the continent it is in.
3.Explain why you would like to go there based on what it says in the text.
4.Explain how it is persuasive.
5. Write down the price and the location.
6. Write down 2 things you learnt.
Watch the following video and answer the questions in your book. It must be in full sentences.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Articulate
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Thursday - Red
Friday - Blue
Guided Reading Contract Term 2 Weeks 1-3
Go to Behind The News (BTN) and watch the video about a Cashless Society
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Resume for Kids
Go to the website and write your own resume. Then take a picture of your resume using the Resume Ipad.
Also do the following:
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Get a sheet from close to the Games Corner and read The Empty Tomb John 20: 1-10. Find the 12 errors. You are allowed to write on the sheet.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Inferences Cards
Get 3 cards, read the paragraph and answer the questions in your book. Full sentences answers and correct punctuation for 3 marks.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday– Yellow
Thursday - Orange
Write down a phrase that you have learnt with its translation in your GR book.
*History Making Connections
Watch the videos about refugees:
Think about your History lesson where you had to make countries on the playground. Write down how your experience was similar to the videos you have just watched. Please do not make it too short.
WALT: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Current Affairs Comprehension
Go to the website: and select a story you are interested in. Do the following activity:
Summarise your article according to the 5 W’s; Who? What? When? Where? Why?
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Articulate
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday– Blue
Thursday - Red
Extra Activities: Find a Shark Tank episode you like. Watch it and answer the following questions in your book:
1. What is it about?
2. Were they persuasive? Why or why not?
3. How much did he or she want the sharks to invest into their business and how much equity were they willing to accept?
4. Did the sharks invest?
5. What would you have changed in the presentation?
Guided Reading Contract Term 1 Weeks 8 and 9
Go to Behind The News (BTN)
(knights and dames)
to do the quiz, go to
1. Complete the quiz for each.
2. Watch the two videos and write down 3 interesting facts about each video.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Write this correctly into your books fixing all punctuation errors.
In the united States, if you hear someone talking about The King," their probably talking about elvis Elvis Presley was known as the King of Rock-andRoll. He was born on January 8, 1935 Growing up, Elvis was shy, but he love to sing and play geetar. he sang in public for the first time and get his first guitar when he is ten. When Elvis was in eighth grade, his family move to Memphis, Tennessee. Elvis got to learn a lot more about music and meet people in the music business. Eventually, he got a record deal and become famous.
Do round 1 and round 2 of the Trivia for Religion. You just need to write the answer in your book. You do not need to write the questions. The answers are available so after you attempt all questions from round 1 and round 2, check the answers. If you get any questions incorrect, check to see which one it is and write down the correct answer beside it (in your book)
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Write down the answers to the following questions in your book. Include the questions.
1.What have I enjoyed most about this term and why?
2.What are three things that I have learnt?
3.What have I disliked about this term and why?
4.What I would like to learn about next term is…?
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday– Yellow
Thursday - Orange
Religion Practise
Do the last 25 questions of the 2015 RE test by writing the answer in your book. Once you have finished, collect an answer sheet and mark your own work. Write down the answer to any questions you get wrong.
WALT: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Current Affairs Comprehension
Go to the website: and select 2 stories you are interested in. Do the following activity:
1.Explain what your article is about.
2.Why did you choose it?
WALT: ________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Scattegories
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday– Blue
Thursday - Red
Extra Activity
RE Quiz
Guided Reading Contract Term 1 Weeks 5 and 6
Go to Behind The News (BTN) and watch the video about Elephant Poaching.
2. Complete the quiz.
3. In your book, write down 3 interesting facts you have learnt.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3.Go to the website and play the game about Australia.
4.Write down what you have learnt from playing these activities in your book.
Past and Present Tense
Write the following story in your book in past tense. Circle all the words that you change.
I had a terrible weekend! On Saturday I am so tired that I slept all morning. When I wake up I had a headache and my throat is sore. My body ached all over. My nose ran and I cough a lot. My mother took my temperature but I do not have a fever.
My mother made me some soup for lunch and I eat it in bed.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
1.Complete all four activities. You must get 100% correct.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday– Yellow
Thursday - Orange
Religion Practise
Do the first 25 questions of the 2015 RE test by writing the answer in your book. Once you have finished, collect an answer sheet and mark your own work. Write down the answer to any questions you get wrong.
WALT: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Get the reading book from the folder and read it in silence to yourself then choose one activity to complete:
WALT: _________________________________________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Scattegories
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday– Blue
Thursday - Red
Extra Activities:
1. Watch a BTN of your choice and write down 7 bullet points about what you learnt about it.
2. Search for the show "Shark Tank" on Youtube, watch 10 minutes of the show and explain what it was about, why you thought it was a good presentation or not, how much money they wanted and why they were successful or unsuccessful.
Guided Reading Contract Term 1 Weeks 3 and 4
Go to Behind The News (BTN) and watch the video about Donald Trump.
2. Complete the quiz.
3. In your book, write down 3 interesting facts you have learnt.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Geography and WWII
Get a worksheet with the European map and and Atlas and write down the names of the following countries:
Germany, Italy, Poland, Netherlands (Holland), Italy, England, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden
Shade Germany in a light red pencil and other major countries involved in WWII in a blue pencil.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Past and Present Tense
Write the following story in your book in past tense. Circle all the words that you write in past tense.
Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves Ginger. He rides Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes they run fast. They always have a good time.
Ginger is Hank's horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three years old.
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
1.Complete the apostrophe tasks
2. Play Possessive /Plural?
3. Write down 4 things you learnt in your book.
*Rosetta Stone
6G always goes first
Monday- Blue
Tuesday- Red
Wednesday– Yellow
Thursday - Orange
Get the reading book from the folder and read it in silence to yourself then choose one activity to complete:
WALT: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
*Current Affairs Comprehension
Go to the website: and select a story you are interested in. Do the following activity:
Summarise your article according to the 5 W’s; Who? What? When? Where? Why?
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Scattegories
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday– Blue
Thursday - Red
Extra Activities: Complete the Where in the World sheet and then select a country of your choice and find out as much as you can about it. Please use Youtube and websites. As you research write down points that interest you relating you traditions, food, sport, politics, population etc.
2. Go to the history page on the blog and look at the pictures and answer the questions below each one.
GR Contract Term 1 Weeks 1-2
* Always write the date after completing the activity
* Always write down the WALT (We Are Learning To)
Go to Behind The News (BTN) (Quoll Return)
2. Complete the quiz.
3. In your book, write down 5 interesting facts you have learnt.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Using a video, website or library book, research about electricity. You may like to research about a famous inventor or about lightning or how people use electricity or anything you want.
Please include 5 - 15 bullet points and write down where you got your information from.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
* Visual Literacy
Go to the website and look at the image very closely. Come up with 6-10 questions relating to the image (in your book). Then choose your best question, get a post it note and stick it onto the wall.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.Complete the comma tasks
Once you have finished, write down two things you have learnt from doing this activity in your book.
WALT: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Past and Present Tense
Write the following in present tense in your book:
I only missed the train by a few minutes. I was annoyed. If I had walked a bit faster, I might have made my train. If I had left a few minutes earlier, I might have been on time.
Because I missed my train, I had to wait for the next one. I had to wait for an hour and a half.
I bought a cup of coffee and a newspaper. I found a chair to sit on. I drank my coffee and read the newspaper while I waited for the next train.
WALT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Complete in guided reading book
Write a diary entry about:
What would you miss if you had to live without electricity?
Dear Diary,
This week has been so hard not having electricity at home. I miss using my hair straightener. My hair is frizzy and I can’t style it the way I like. I always look like ………..
I hope the electricity works next week.
Sammy Brown
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reading with Teacher
6G always goes first
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Board Games
6G always goes first
Game: Scattegories
Monday- Orange
Tuesday- Yellow
Wednesday – Blue
Thursday - Red
WALT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Extra Activities: What executive order (big decision) has Donald Trump recently put into place regarding immigration? Research online and do the following:
a) explain what he did?
b) which countries were involved?
c) provide what you think about it and justify/explain why you have given this opinion
d) What other big decisions has Donald Trump put into place?
e) What is your opinion about this and why?
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