Friday 8 September 2017

Shark Tank

Shark Tank Rubric

Names: _______________________________________________________________________________

The product or service was creative/useful

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students explained how the product or service worked clearly

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students had the correct Maths and their sums made sense

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students had realistic sums of money relating to their business

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students were able to explain and persuade why their product/service was better than others

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students were able to answer questions that The Sharks asked them and think on their feet

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students knew their product or service and didn’t have to just read

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

Students had an effective website which showcased their product or service

Working towards Achieved Working Beyond

The Sharks invested in their product

Yes        No

Did Well: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Can Improve Upon: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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