Sunday 10 December 2017


This morning you have the choice to work on a few things which are educational and beneficial. You must stick to these activities.

Activity 1:


The website below goes through Sudoko if you are unsure how to play. If you are still unsure, you may ask one of the following students: 

The website below allows you to play sudoku online.

Choose a worksheet to work with it.

Activity 2:

Speed Chess.

See Mr Lima and use the website

Activity 3:
Create a Kahoot about:

- General Knowledge
- World War 2
- Gaming
- Christmas
- Funny things and normal things that have happened in year 6 this year
- Other subjects

Activity 4:

Finish StoryBird or Storyboard

Activity 5:

Christmas conversation starters and normal conversation starters.

(Put cards in the middle and pick one up at a time and discuss what it is that you do).

Activity 6:

Christmas books to read.


The website below goes through Sudoko if you are unsure how to play. If you are still unsure, you may ask one of the following students: 

The website below allows you to play sudoku online.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Create a StoryBoard 

Create a story about either:

- Your most memorable moment at St Felix
- A scary story
- A makeup time that you met your favourite celebrity
- The Christmas story

Sunday 12 November 2017

Wear Sports Uniform

Hi Class,

If you see this blog message, please wear your sports uniform tomorrow (Monday 13th, November) because we have the NRL clinics.


Mr Lima

Friday 3 November 2017

Beauty and the Beast Film Review

Beauty and the Beast Review

Published: Website
Star Rating: 7/10

Beauty and the Beast is a romantic family film. I gave it a rating of 7/10 because it is entertaining and funny, however there is a bit too much violence for a children’s movie. The main characters in the film are the Beast who is played by _________, Belle who is the princess and she is played by ___________. The movie is set across castles in medieval times.

Beauty and the Beast is a love story where Belle is on a mission to find her father who is an inventor who goes missing. Her father is captured by a beast. The beast finds Belle and keeps her in his castle…..

The movie has a lot of good points and some points which could be improved. The film is entertaining because it is full of action and adventure. There are a range of special effects and a host of amazing camera angles. The film is very creative and there are lots of parts that are laugh out louds moments. However, the movie does have an abundance of singing which can drag on. There are also too much romance scenes which takes away from the adventure. Last of all, the movie is far too long which can be confusing and boring for children.

Overall the film is quite good for children who are ready for a long movie and who do not mind seeing some love scenes and scenes where there are some violence. However, for children who do not like long movies this is not a movie for them. At the end for the movie, the Beast is transformed into a handsome prince and all the plates and furniture return to human form. While it is a happy ending, it is very predictable and therefore it is not exciting.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Science Website  f

1. What have you learnt from this activity?
2. What planets are the furthest from one another?
3. What have you learnt about scales?
4. What were some of the challenges you faced?

Sunday 29 October 2017

Patterns and Algebra Review

Please study the following:

- patterns and then writing down the rules.

for example:  3, 7, _____, 15, 19 (the missing number is 7 and the rule is +4)

we will ask harder questions such as subtraction patterns such as:

65, 58, _____, 44  (the missing number is 51 and the rule is -7)

we will ask multiplication questions such as:

9, 27, ______, 243 (the missing number is 81 and the rule is x 3)

we will ask division questions such as:

200, 100, _____, 25 (the missing number is 50 and the rule is divided by 2)

we will ask decimals questions such as:

3.4, 3.8, 4.2, _____, (the missing number is 4.6 and the rule is that it is going up by 0.4)

- find the mystery number 

for example:

find y:

14 + y = 65
y = 51

Remember that + is opposite to -

multiplication is opposite to division

For Mr Lima's group, remember the vortex.

You must also remember mathematical language:

For example:

Increase means to add
sum means to add
difference means subtraction
double means to multiply a number by 2
is means = (equals)

- We will also ask questions related to tables like the one below.

Questions related to BODMAS.

Watch the video which explaisn about BODMAS.

The Cartesian Plane: 

For Mrs Elchaar's group there will be questions about Paschal's triangles.